Business Headshot vs Corporate Portrait?

What kind of picture do you need?
The Business Headshot
Helping you make an impact in the corporate world, a new professional business headshot is perfect when you have a new job or a new challenge. Your Business Headshot is a closeup of your head and shoulders that can be used for branding, marketing and identifying yourself in the marketplace. The picture will show you to be approachable and confident and can be taken using my mobile studio or with an environmental background showing a hint of your surroundings such as your office, studio, factory floor or outdoors.
A professional business headshot…
- conveys your professionalism and approachability
- ideal for LinkedIn & Social Media profile, Meet the Team web page etc
- takes 10 to 15 minutes per person
- great for teams, departments or across the whole organization
The picture needs to be a closeup because it will often be used fairly small, surrounded by text and it’s your face and eyes that need to stand out – that’s what the viewer will be focusing on.
The crop of the picture is usually fairly tight, ending just below the level of your shoulders and sometimes missing off the top of your head to increase the impact of the image. With the exception of a Reportage Business Headshot you will be looking straight into the camera.
For many people, the mention of “closeups” and looking straight into the camera will make you squirm at the thought and people often say they want to be as far away from the camera as possible and looking in the opposite direction!!
However, read my “Tips for getting the best out of your photo session [link]” and it’s easy. You won’t feel self conscious, you’ll relax into it and you’ll love the photos!

The Corporate Portrait
A Corporate Portrait has similar aims and objectives to a Business Headshot but much expanded.
Like the Business Headshot the images will reveal your personality and show you to be confident, professional and approachable but there will be a greater emphasis on your surroundings and the work environment you inhabit. This context will provide me with more scope for eye-catching composition and creative lighting. It will instil a narrative to the portraits which will reveal much more of your character and the sector you work in.
A professional corporate portrait…
- for Entrepreneurs, Executives and Creatives
- portfolio of portraits in different styles and compositions
- creative editorial options designed to appeal to third party publications
- work to detailed brief in conjunction with design agency
- allow about 1 hour with me
On a practical level we will produce a portfolio of images designed to suit different styles and multiple platforms. These portraits can be held on file ready to fulfil a variety of requests internally or from outside sources.
The range of images in the portfolio will cover headshots through to creative environmental portraits that reflect your sector and your position within that sector.
The engagement you can expect from a good Corporate Portrait will be much increased and the pictures will be designed to appeal to art directors and picture editors encouraging wider use and more column inches when published.