PR photography January

A few examples of the PR photography I’ve been doing in January
January always seems to be a month where most of my time is spent in the office doing those boring but necessary tasks like renewing the insurance, setting budgets and updating photographic equipment….. I’m changing from Canon to Sony at the mo and that’s a big step for someone who’s been on Canon since 1992!!!.
Anyway, it’s not all been office work. There’ve been a few headshots and some interiors photography as well as some Public Relations work. So I thought I’d share a handful of the PR photos. They form a pretty small part of my work these days but as a press photographer by DNA I love to do a good ol’ photocall.
Thanks to 3×1 … Food Standards campaign launch, Atos Digital announcement for Glasgow 2018 European Games and Zero Waste Scotland’s new musical instrument exchange.
And notice any family likeness in the Oliver poster? No that’s not me playing Fagin but my stage-loving son playing Dodger. Looking forward to the show in March.