
Coastal rowing revival

Coastal Rowing St Ayles Skiff champion

Looking back on a shoot from 2009

I was recently reminded of a trip over to Fife back in 2009. I was lucky enough to photograph a fantastic fellow called Willie Davidson (then 79) at Dysart Harbour just outside Kirkcaldy. Mr Davidson has unfortunately passed away since our meeting. However, his memory lives on as a great champion in Fife Coastal Rowing circles. He won the title four times in the 1950s.

The story I was covering was about the revival of this type of rowing which had been very popular in the 1920 and 30’s. Fife’s mining communities had been united by their summer regattas. However, the building and racing of boats disappeared with the pits. I wasn’t until almost a century later that it began to regain it’s former popularity.

Revival of the coastal rowing St Ayles Skiff

Boat builder Alec Jordan saw the potential for coastal rowing to rise again. He began creating and selling kits of the classic St Ayles Skiff. Willie Davidson is pictured holding a model of one.

Photographing Willie was a special moment. He embodied a passing era—mining in Fife and the glory days of coastal rowing. His weathered features spoke of his life by the sea. The twinkle in his eye hinted at untold stories from a rich past.

Moments like these are a photographer’s treasure. Looking back, I feel privileged to have met remarkable characters like Willie.

Today, the sport is thriving. A recent map shows clubs all around Scotland, proving Alec Jordan was right. The sport has grown immensely, though it’s great shame knowing that Willie isn’t here to see it.

If you’re interested in coastal rowing or Alec Jordan’s skiffs, I’ve included some useful links below.

Alec Jordan’s web page… https://staylesskiff.net/

Scottish Coastal Rowing… https://scottishcoastalrowing.org

If you’re looking for a photographer for your own project please get in touch

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